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How do I change a real estate broker?

Step 1. Identify What You Can and Cannot Take With You When You Leave Step 2. Choose a New Real Estate Brokerage Step 3. Think through what you need from your current systems Step 4. Time Your Change Step 5. Onboard as much as possible with the new brokerage without transferring the license Step 6. Tell Your Brokerage You’re Leaving Step 7.

How do I switch brokerage accounts?

Once you've made the decision to swap brokerage accounts, be sure you know how to make the move properly. Here are the steps to take when switching brokers: Keep a record of your statements. Be aware of transfer fees. Complete the transfer initiation form. Initiate the transfer. Complete cash transfers. Ask questions.

Can I Change my broker's name if I'm a new broker?

If you had a name change, for example, you should use the name on file with the old broker. You can always change it later with the new broker, if necessary. If you’d like to complete an in-kind transfer, reach out to your new broker to start the process.

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